Horizons Council
Council Meetings - Join Us!
All families are members of Horizons Council. We hope that you will attend and participate in Council meetings as often as you can. Childcare is provided.
Charcuterie Night and Council, Thursday, February 20th 5-5:30
Food Drive and Council, Thursday, March 13th 5:30-7:30
Council Meeting*, Thursday, April 17th 5:30-7:30
Council Meeting*, Thursday, May 15th 5:30-7:30
*Looking for a pairing for Council. Idea? email horizonscommunitygroup@gmail.com
Horizons K-8 Council
This is the Horizons community’s collective voice. All members of Horizons community are a part of Council and have the right and privilege to be part of the decision making process at Council meetings. Council is where all members of the Horizon’s community have a voice and a vote using the Concordance method of decision-making (see below).
Council Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month 5:30-7:30pm.
During this meeting, short verbal updates are presented by the Board and other committees, including but not limited to:
Teachers share highlights of students in their grade level
Principal Message
District Accountability Committee (DAC)
District Parent Committee (DPC)
Development Committee
Horizons Community Group (HCG)
Equity, Diversity and Belonging Committee (EDB)
There is an open forum for community members to share questions or suggestions.
Parent Board Members are elected by the community at the May meeting
All Community members are invited. There are 10 meetings a year.
It is expected that parents attend several meetings throughout the year to stay informed and understand how the school operates.
All community members present, virtual option available, at a meeting have a full vote.
Things that council might vote on are: Council budget decisions on how to best support the HK8 community with Council-raised dollars, Mission Vision Values, etc.
If you have a topic you would like to add to the agenda, please email the Parent Board Chair-Travis Lockhart. lockhart.travis@gmail.com
Horizons Community Agreements
Horizons Community Members agree to Horizons Communication Agreements. If you haven't read these before please take a look here. These agreements were developed by the Horizons Council and reflect the values of parents, teachers, administration, and students. Education at Horizons is a team effort that involves students, teachers, and parents working together to implement the school's vision. Horizons teachers and parents are expected to share the responsibility for ensuring successful learning experiences for our students. Read more about these expectations here.
Concordance? What is it?
The Concordance model of decision-making and voting is used at all Horizons meetings council, board meetings, faculty meetings.
Horizons uses a student and community-focused model of education, based on the principles of trust and honesty. Every voice matters. Success depends on the culture of the team. Listening and empathy are key.
The Concordance Voting Process:
A motion is brought forth for a proposed item to be voted on.
There is a second to the motion once everyone agrees on the verbiage of the proposed motion.
Members proceed with a vote.
If there is unanimous agreement, the motion passes.
If there is no unanimous agreement, then the vote fails and discussion continues.
Those who are not in agreement are asked to present what they are objecting to and other solutions/amendments.
Once everyone has had a chance to discuss, another motion is presented and vote taken.
This occurs until all voting members present can come to a unanimous vote or the vote is postponed pending more research and discussion.
If Concordance cannot be reached, the Parent Board Chair and Principal can set a limit to the number of meetings to discuss the issue.
Once that allotted time has been reached, depending on the topic being voted on, as defined in the Horizon by-laws, the decision may be sent to the Board to review and vote.
This is an extenuation of the idea that clearly communicating with each other in a safe space allows for everyone to have a voice in the discussion. It allows for disagreement and exploration of alternate ideas, fostering better mutual understanding and a more inclusive decision-making.
Childcare is offered at every Council Meeting. A donation of $10 is requested per child to help defray the costs of the childcare provider.
Council Meeting Dates:
September 19, 2024
October 17, 2024
November 21, 2024
December 19, 2024,
January 16, 2025
February 20, 2025
March 20, 2025 *DATE CHANGE March 13th, 2025
April 17, 2025
May 15, 2025 - Annual Meeting - Vote to Approve 25-26 Council Budget
All Council meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. and are hybrid with the option to attend in-person or remotely. Council Google Meets Link We meet in the Hub. Childcare is provided in the cafeteria.
24/25 School Year
Parent Board Members: Mike Ashmore, Michelle Bargo, Rob Horansky, Travis Lockhart, John Bogosian
Faculty Board Members: Adam Brink, Fran Cohen, Jim Freund, Rachel Clionsky, Emmy Kurtz
Parent Board Chair - Travis Lockhart
Vice Chair & Treasurer- Mike Ashmore
Secretary - Michelle Bargo