Equity, Diversity, and Belonging Committee

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Equity, Diversity, and Belonging Committee 

EDB strives to be collection of the parent community, faculty and staff that meet to discuss and work on creating a more diverse and equitable school environment for our community. All community members are welcome! If you are interested in learning more, please email hk8@gmail.com

EDB focuses on the following:

EDB has proven to be an important resource for our community. Please feel free to send us any feedback, questions, and suggestions for topics to be discussed at future meetings. EDB Feedback Form


Supporting Staff

Creating a Sense of Belonging

Engaging Community


Horizons has committed, through the strategic planning process, to establish and gather tangible metrics as a way of ensuring EDB’s actions are working for the school.

EDB’S Guiding Questions

In efforts to best serve all of our school, please let us know your thoughts:

Feedback Form for the EDB Group: Please feel free to send us any feedback, questions, and suggestions for topics to be discussed at future meetings. 

EDB's plans for the 24/25 School Year

For the 24/25 school year EDB will bring meaningful and thought provoking educational workshops and engagements to our Horizons community. We also will bring back the banned book club, host Coffee Connections with workshops to celebrate diversity, host a book fair to elevate authors from various backgrounds, bring in new titles of library books to offer a large varity of perspecives for our students, and host a book reading event to honor all populations. If you have any ideas for workshops based in any relevant learnings you have had through books, podcasts, movies, or any other ways, we would love to hear them. Workshop Ideas for EDB

There is much more information on the schools website. Please feel free to check that out. https://ho8.bvsd.org/about/equity-diversity-belonging-committee

EDB's contact information




Smithsonian National Museum of Native American Native Knowledge 360: Explore featured instructional and informational resources, below, or search all resources using the search tool.

Mobian: Mobian is a lifestyle site for lesbian moms and other LGBT parents.

Sociological Images: “Sociological Images is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination.” A wealth of observations about our dominant cultural constructs.

Learning For Justice: A place to find thought-provoking news, conversations and support for those who care about diversity, equal opportunity and respect for differences in schools.

Gender Spectrum: Gender Spectrum provides education, training, and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for all children.

Hispanic Heritage Month: The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society.

All in Spirit: A creative voice for bridging community dialogues and relationships, for social justice and healing. Norma Johnson

Understanding Prejudices: A web site for students, teachers, and others interested in the causes and consequences of prejudice.


http://whiteantiracistparent.blogspot.com This site is dormant but has very interesting observations from a white mother working towards anti-racism

http://cocoamamas.com/about  "Raising cocoa children in a bittersweet world."An on-going parenting blog for mothers of color.

http://socialjusticeparenting.blogspot.com  Discussing Diversity- blog for parents written by Josie

http://culturesconnecting.blogspot.com  Blog written by ilsa, WPC14 organizer and co-owner of Cultures Connecting.


PBS How to Talk Honestly with Children About Racism https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/how-to-talk-honestly-with-children-about-racism 

Unicef Talking to Your Kids About Racism https://www.unicef.org/parenting/talking-to-your-kids-about-racism 

Parent Your Age by Age Guide to Talking About Race https://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/teaching-tolerance/talking-about-race-with-kids/ 



Crash Course Black American History https://youtu.be/xPx5aRuWCtc?feature=shared 


Episode: But Why “A Discussion About Race and Racism  https://www.vpr.org/programs/2020-06-17/but-why-live-a-discussion-about-race-and-racism#stream/0 

The EmbraceRace podcast brings you the best and latest advice on how to guide kids around race through informative conversations with researchers, practitioners and community members. In this inaugural season, we counter long-standing myths about race and kids and talk about How Kids ACTUALLY Learn About Race. The podcast is an extension of the work of EmbraceRace and is hosted by EmbraceRace cofounders, Melissa Giraud and Andrew Grant-Thomas. Thanks to the EmbraceRace staff and to our podcast production team (more on them below) for their contributions and magic making! https://www.embracerace.org/resources/embracerace-podcast 


Teacher explains equity tells students why they can’t be treated equally and it’s an eye opener https://scoop.upworthy.com/teacher-explains-equity-students-cant-be-treated-equally-kids-classroom-learning  


http://coloringbetween.blogspot.com Coloring Between the Lines “looks at issues of race and culture in relation to creating and using children's literature, as seen by a white author-illustrator of multiracial, multicultural books.”

 http://oyate.org  “We review children’s literature and advocate for Native Americans/American Indians to be portrayed with historical accuracy, cultural appropriateness and without anti-Indian bias and stereotypes.”

http://www.culturesconnecting.com/docs/ResourceList.doc A book list from Cultures Connecting, a consulting group addressing race relations in the 21st century.

http://www.jamesmollison.com/wherechildrensleep.php  Where Children Sleep is a beautiful art photography book with images of children from around the world in their homes.