Classroom Liaisons
Horizons Class Liaisons are the hub of communication between teachers, Horizons Community Group, and families in each homeroom class.
Ideally, co-liaisons, two people per class, one from each grade level. (i.e. a 1/2 class one volunteer would be a 1st grade parent, the other a 2nd grade parent). However, this is not a strict rule. One person per grade is to allow for overlap each year and consistency for teachers as families transition to higher grades. We also hope this will allow more flexibility and shared responsibility based on skill/interest, coverage at meetings, and prompt communication.
Class Liaison responsibilities can be broken into 3 categories.
Teacher and Classroom Support: It is important to connect with the teacher to gain an understanding of what level of support they are looking for from their liaison.
Things that teachers might need or want help with
Coordinate the Class Cleaning schedule (using HelpatSchool)
Organizing managing classroom volunteers (using HelpatSchools)
Including class specific notes in the monthly communications to families, ie. reminders, conference dates, links to project learning info, conference sign ups, any specific pending deadlines, etc
Ensure bulletin board outside of class is maintained and possibly help put up student work (finding parent volunteers to help organize/manage)
Manage Teacher gifts (birthday, holiday, end of year, or other big events)
Coordinate Teacher appreciation week (daily events from kids, flowers, coffee)
Organize a Scholastic Book coordinator (finding parent volunteers to help organize/manage)
Be point of contact for new families
Direct Communication to Parents: This is where the monthly meeting and email to families is important.
Send monthly email that includes class specific information and any community events or needs
Attend monthly Liaison meetings to better understand community and all school events
Share event volunteer needs
Promote Community events
Share information about big topics that are being discussed at Council
Discuss any needs your classes and teachers might have
Help Build Strong Community Bonds and Connections.
Coordinate Social events a few times a year. (finding parent volunteers to help organize/manage)
This is a way to meet outside of school to make new friends and foster community bonds. (ie. happy hour, ice cream social, park playdate)
Quarterly or monthly depending on your class’s level of interest
Can be just your class or can coordinate with other grade level liaisons.
Connect parent volunteers and chaperones with Yearbook and Development committee to take and collect photos and videos in the classroom or on field trips (finding parent volunteers to help organize/manage)