Stock Donations
Horizons now accepting stock donations
Thanks for your interest in donating stock to Horizons! This can be individual stocks, index funds, mutual bonds, etc. It can be a great way to maximize your impact at Horizons while saving on your taxes.
There are many articles online about the advantages of donating appreciated stock compared to cash. Investopedia has a thorough write-up that isn’t trying to sell you something. That said, we recommend consulting with a finance professional to understand the benefits for your specific situation.
Simplified example (check with your CPA): You bought stock for $1000, the value increased to $2000, and you donate that stock to Horizons. You don’t pay taxes on the $1000 gain, and you lower your total taxable income by $2000 (= a few hundred dollars dependent on your tax rate).
Additionally, your employer may match the $2000 for a total donation to Horizons of $4000. So, with potentially less then $1000 cash value, you helped Horizons receive $4000 which can directly be used at the school.
If donating stock makes sense for you, please use Horizons Vanguard account information below to make a third-party transfer. Contact your brokerage firm or wherever your funds are held for more information on how to make a transfer.
Vanguard Brokerage Account # 80847963
DTC # 0062
Horizons K-8 School Inc.
4545 Sioux Dr
Boulder, CO 80303
Please inform of your transfer to ensure a timely and accurate donation receipt. Please mention in your email in case you would like your donation to not be published by Horizons. Donations received without notice may be treated as anonymous and we won't be able to provide a donation receipt.
We accept any publicly-traded, liquid security (stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual bonds, etc). We do not maintain an endowment fund. We sell your securities for USD as soon as they are received. Your donation immediately becomes part of Hawkbucks and helps fund Horizons.
Please get in touch with questions ( Thanks again for your interest.